速報APP / 遊戲 / Geometric Cabinet - Montessori Math for

Geometric Cabinet - Montessori Math for



檔案大小:67.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Geometric Cabinet - Montessori Math for Children(圖1)-速報App

***See a 3 year old girl in Japan learning geometry with our app: http://youtu.be/WiTCMrxGOZ8 ***

Introducing the Montessori Geometric Cabinet!

Geometric Cabinet - Montessori Math for Children(圖2)-速報App

Learn to identify and name the geometric shapes using this time tested Montessori method. The materials presented in this app are exact replicas of the Montessori materials found in the classroom. The audio presentations and prompts will engage your child to follow along and complete the activities as they learn to identify the forms! The geometric cabinet along with the matching cards are part of the Montessori introduction to mathematics for young children.

A presentation tray and six trays of shapes are included. The name and identity of each shape are presented to the child before prompting them to place the insets back in the tray, one by one. The geometry cards are included to allow the child to play matching games that teach them to identify shapes in both solid and outline form.

Geometric Cabinet - Montessori Math for Children(圖3)-速報App

This app was co-developed and approved by an AMI certified, Montessori teacher with over forty years experience teaching children!

We thank you for your support and feedback of our other Montessori applications! We have plenty more on the way!

Geometric Cabinet - Montessori Math for Children(圖4)-速報App

Visit our website: http://www.mobilemontessori.org

Geometric Cabinet - Montessori Math for Children(圖5)-速報App
